Sunday, October 9, 2011
Fall Fishing in Yellowstone National Park
We awoke the next morning anticipating another great day of fishing; not getting skunked and me being plagued by a toothache. That pretty much sums up the day but I will provide details. Our plan was to fish the Lamar River and Soda Butte Creek. We drove past the Slough Creek turnoff and found a place to walk to the river. We found a section with a lot of riffles and started fishing. I went upriver and Dick went downriver. I found a section with some fast water that took a long cast to reach. I had a hopper on and a very large cutthroat went for my fly but I did not hook him. I was encouraged, however and fished that spot hard for the next 30 minutes to no avail. Without any further action there we left for another location. This was a spot with a lot of boulders and runs. We got shutout there. It was time to try Soda Butte. Long story, short--no fish. We decided to drive up the gravel road to the Slough Creek Campground and fish there. At this point my tooth was really starting to hurt so I called Painless Pete, my dentist. He did not have good news when I told him about my tooth. I needed antibiotics. Well, first I needed a pharmacy. It turns out that Cooke City did not have one. The closest one was in the opposite direction, Gardner, MT. Pete called it in and we drove to Gardner to try and get there before they closed. We had to go past Mammoth, out of the Park and about five more miles. I picked up the Keflex and took some. Why didn't my tooth feel better? Actually, the ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin did take the edge off. We had dinner in Gardner and then drove back to our motel in Cooke City.
The next day, Friday was our day to fish Slough Creek. We had hoped it would be our best day fishing. It would be our most strenuous day, for sure. We got up, had breakfast and got "most" of our stuff together. It was a 50 minute drive to the Slough Creek campground. It was cold, snowing and overcast. We had hoped for an early start. It would have been ideal to start on the trail between 8-9 AM. We almost made it, arriving about 9:30 AM. I got my winter clothes on with my waders and boots and looked at Dick who was frantically going through stuff in the car. A few choice words were coming out of his mouth. "What's up, Dick?", I asked. "I think I left my %@$#ing boots at the motel." Well, I assumed that would be a deal breaker. So much for an early start. I suggested that we fish the upper part of Soda Butte that we had yet to be humiliated on. At any rate, we had to go back to the motel because all he had were his loafers. We headed back and he started making a case for still doing the hike into Slough Creek. He said if we could get back to the trailhead by 11, we could still get some fishing in. Well, we made it back by 11:30 and he still wanted to go. It was a 6 mile hike in. We would be backing in our fishing gear and we would be walking in our waders and wading boots and parkas. Yes, it was snowing. I kept picturing something not being optimal about this. Then I pictured something unwanted happening. It could be anything, bear encounter, wolf problem, injury, weather turning bad, being stranded, etc. To cut the suspense, none of that happened. What happened may have been worse. We left the trailhead and immediately the trail starts to climb, and climb, and climb. This was the worst part, said Dick. I believed him. I got pretty short of breath but kept on. Thankfully, it did flatten out for awhile before we climbed some more. When we hit the two mile mark, I could hardly believe that we still had four more to go. The scenery got beautiful. The first meadow was gorgeous. I asked why we don't fish there. Dick said we would do better at the second meadow. When we came down the ridge to the second meadow, my spirits were lifted. We still had a half a mile to go to get to the creek but there was liveliness in my step now. We got to the creek and saw that one of the campsites was occupied, by a buffalo. We were pretty hungry so we had lunch before we started to fish. It had taken us 1 hour and 52 minutes to go the 6 miles. We examined the water and we each took off for a spot that looked promising. OK, another long story sort of short. No fish. Here''s my story. The water was very low and the riffles we expected to be holding fish we clogged with algae. There were no bugs hatching but we tried some dry flies anyway. Then we tried dry-dropper combinations. I even set up a nymphing rig with two flies. That was my algae collector. We fished until the drop dead time that would get us back before dark. We trudged on back. Now our boots were collecting mud and had doubled in weight. We saw some bear footprints on the trail on the way back. We made it back in one hour and 57 minutes. We were tired, blistered, hungry, and skunked. It was back to Cooke City and the Ore House Saloon for some dinner.
On Saturday, we would be heading home. The weather was better than on the day before so we were hopeful that we could go through the Park to get to West Yellowstone. We stopped an "Stop the Car" store and I picked up some cute mittens for Diane. When we got to the Park Entrance, I asked the rangerette if we could get to West. She said, "Sure, you just go up to Mammoth...". That was the long way we were hoping to avoid. That was would give us a 10-11 hour drive. We made good time through the Park and went past Mammoth, Gardner and into Livingston, MT. From there we went past Bozeman and then to West Yellowstone. We had lunch at Ernie's and then Dick took over the driving for awhile. We pulled into my house about 6 PM. The trips had it's ups and downs but it will occupy a prominent place in the good memory bank of my brain. Except for the toothache.
PS: Root canal scheduled for Monday October 17. That is if I survive the pain this week while working in Wyoming.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Little Cottonwood Creek
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Where did Summer Go?
Two weeks ago, Dick Hauch and I went to Idaho to fish the Salt and South Fork of the Snake Rivers. We stayed with Hasty and Grace Arnold in Irwin, Idaho in their beautiful home on the banks of the Snake River below Palisades. Dick and I were interns together at L.A. County-USC Medical Center in 1973. We try and get together to fly fish at least once a year. This time we fished our first day on the Salt River above Palisades with our guide, Travis Taylor. His father, Bart has been a fishing guide in the area for over 30 years. We had a great day fishing on the Salt and the next day we fished the South Fork from Conant to Byington, 9 am to 9 pm on the river. It had rained the night before which put a damper on the really hot fishing, but we caught fish nonetheless. We just had to work harder. The two main flies we used were a Chubby Chernobyl that imitated a large stone fly or grass hopper. Behind this we trailed a Hemingway, a size 16 caddis imitation that we fished wet or dry. We tried other flies but we always seemed to come back to this combination. On our last day, we bid goodbye to our wonderful hosts and stopped at the Grey's River to fish in the morning before we drove back to Salt Lake. I put Dick on a plane and that marked the time to officially start planning our next year's trip.
Riley in coming for a visit this week and after that Diane and I are headed to Mesa Verde and Hoovenweep for a few days. I will report on that after that. Or, I could just make up some shit now. Nah, I'll wait.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
New York City
My First Trip to NYC
Yes! I was excited. Diane and I were headed to NYC for a week to celebrate Diane’s 60th birthday. Diane’s sister, Julie would meet us there and we planned to share a suite at the Hotel Giraffe.
We left on Saturday, July 2, 2011. Diane and I had a layover in Memphis where we lunched at the International Bar-B-Q. I had the pulled pork, beans, and cold slaw. I had truly started my vacation. In part, it would be a culinary adventure. Food would be one of the many highlights of our trip.
After arriving at LaGuardia airport, we hailed a cab and headed for the hotel. Julie had already checked in(non-stop, first class from LA). After getting settled, we embarked on a short walk that took us to Mario Batali’s place called Eataly (Yes, a play on words). What a place! It is an emporium of several restaurants and shops selling cheeses, meats, wines, beer, chocolates, gelatos, etc. We settled on a restaurant called Verdure. I had the eggplant caponata. It may have been the most delicious dish I ever had. It was a Saturday night and it was quite crowded, which added to the “New York” experience. With full bellies, we headed back to the hotel and turned in.
Sunday July 3, 2011.
The next day, Sunday, we awoke to a steady rain. We had raingear and umbrellas so that was no problema. We went to the Subway and got our 7 day Metro cards and boarded the subway for Greenwich Village. Diane had booked us on a food tasting and cultural walking tour.
We met our guide, Marie, in front of the Murray Cheese Store. Even though it was raining, our spirits were not dampened. We began our tour by crossing Bleeker Street and entering an olive oil store called O and Co. The owner told us about various olive oils and how they are produced and rated. He warned us that there is no regulation that provided for the listing of possible other oils in olive oil. We tasted a basil olive oil that was delicious. Then we had a chocolate spread that was magnificent. We would come back later and purchase both of these. We then went outside, turned the corner and entered Joe’s Pizza. It was one of the very first pizza shops in Greenwich Village. They import a tomato from Italy that they use for their sauce because it has few seeds. The crust is very thin. We all were treated to a slice from a pizza that was just out of the oven.
Our next stop was Palmas, a rustic Italian-French restaurant on Cornelia Street. We went through the restaurant and through a garden to a private room where we were served a dish of cauliflower, pine nuts, and currants cooked in olive oil. Back out on the street, Marie gave us the history of Cornelia Street; its restaurants and its people. She pointed out Po’s Restaurant, which was Mario Batali’s first restaurant.
From Cornelia Street it was a brisk walk over to Centro Vinoteca where we actually got to sit down. We were served deviled eggs and dates wrapped in bacon (Riley would have loved that). We continued our walk to a section of the village where Washington Irving and Aaron Burr had owned homes. We stopped at the Milk and Cookies for a tasty cookie. This place is a favorite of David Schwimmer’s. We stopped in front of the Cherry Street Theater, an off, off Broadway theater. It was right next to a home owned by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Marie kept the historical tidbits oozing out of the buildings we walked by. We passed by a restaurant called the Little Owl, famous for being pictured as the Central Perk coffee shop from Friends.
Our last stops were Murray’s Cheese Shop, Faicco’s Pork Shop and Rocco’s Pastry. From Faicco’s we sampled home made rice balls during the start of the tour and now at the end, we had Wisconsin Reggiano, hand picked olives and a cheese that had been soaked in red wine. Our very last stop took us to Rocco’s for an intensely rich canolli. We headed back to the hotel so stuffed that we thought we would never eat again. That would not be the case.
Oddly enough, a few hours later we began to get hungry again. Later that evening we decided to go to the Blue Smoke Bar-B-Q. It had been recommended by Julie’s cab driver. Since there was a 45-minute wait for a table, we walked around the neighborhood before being seated. I was unable to decided on a dish so I had the combo of pork ribs, pulled pork, smoked chicken, and smoked sausage. It was all good including the calamari, the creamed spinach, and collard greens. Having no room for dessert, we ordered one anway—chocolate mousse silk pie. We stumbled back to the Hotel Giraffe and called it a night.
Monday July 4, 2011.
A new day would bring new adventures. We fortified ourselves with the Continental Breakfast provided by the hotel. The faire was quite good and was the same everyday. Along with their delicious coffee they provided juices, fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and assorted bagels, pastries, muffins, and croissants.
We left the hotel, boarded the subway heading downtown and got off at the Brooklyn Bridge stop. We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge taking in all the surrounding sights. This was a popular activity. We were joined by many walkers and cyclists. We crossed the bridge and dropped into DUMBO(down under the Manhattan bridge overpass). There was a mandatory stop at the Jaques Torres Chocolate Shop. We had a light meal at a little café where we had eggs in a cloud. This was a unique dish consisting of baked eggs whites looking like a cloud holding two egg yolks.
We took the subway under the East River to the Financial District. We walked around Ground Zero and saw the first replacement tower. It was only half completed but already was higher than all the surrounding buildings. We walked around Battery Park and the large Financial Center Building. With our dogs a barking, we returned to the hotel to prepare for the evening activities.
We had reservations on the Circle Line Boat Tour to go out on the Hudson River for the evening fireworks show. We took the subway to Times Square in hopes of catching a cab to the dock. There was no way to get a taxi and even if we did, they were all in gridlock. We hoofed it to the dock only to be placed in a line with hundreds of other people. We finally got on the boat and got out onto the Hudson River. After dark, at 9:30 PM, the fireworks started. They were spectacular and being on the water enhanced the view. After the show we disembarked with throngs of people not only from our boat but a host of other boats. We started walking, futilely looking for a taxi. No luck. We made it back to Times Square and took the subway back to the hotel. We were pretty tired by now. Who knew having so much fun could be so exhausting.
Tuesday July 5, 2011
After a night of good, restorative sleep we were ready to go at it again. We took the subway up to Central park and walked further to the American Museum of Natural History. One could spend a week in there and not see everything so we had choices to make. We went to the Largest Dinosaurs Exhibit. This showcased the largest of all the dinosaurs from birth to death to being dug up as fossils. We had tickets to a brand new exhibit called, The Brain and then we went to an IMAX movie called Tornado Alley where a guy built an armored car so he could get inside a tornado and film it. It was lunchtime and we had lunch at one of the museum cafes. After lunch, Diane and Julie abandoned me to my own devices while they went shopping. I had not had my fill of the museum so I stayed and went to the animal exhibits and then The Incan Trail Photography Exhibit and then the Tibetan Medicine Exhibit. I left the museum and went into Central Park and came back through the Park before I took a subway back to the hotel.
That evening we went to the East Village where we met Julie’s friend, Meg at Meg’s favorite restaurant, Café Mogador. It was a Moroccan restaurant. I had the sea bass cooked with hot spices and vegetables. The fish had been caught that day by the owner of the place, or so they said. Once again, I stepped out of my paradigm and ordered desert—Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble with Vanilla Ice Cream. We were back to the hotel by 9:30.
Wednesday July 6, 2011. Diane’s Birthday
Diane had filled the itinerary on her birthday. First, we toured the Empire State Building and then walked to the New York Public Library and then on to Grand Central Station where we had lunch at a Mexican Restaurant. We had 2 PM tickets to see Billy Elliott—a fantastic musical about a boy from Wales who wanted to be a ballet dancer instead of following the family tradition of working in the coal mines, which were about to be shut down anyway.
That evening we had dinner at an Indian restaurant called Devis. Afterwards we explored an area called The Strand where they had one of the world’s largest bookstores. When we got back to the hotel, the birthday balloons and cupcakes that Julie ordered for Diane’s birthday had arrived. It was a grand and memorable day.
Thursday July 7, 2011
On Thursday, drill sergeant Diane had us scheduled to be out early. We took her orders but we did not have to keep being nice to her since it was no longer her birthday. She tried to invoke something about a “birthday week” but we ignored it.
We got down to Battery Park where the boats leave for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island tour. Both were awe-inspiring. It is amazing what the immigrants had to go through. We read the Emma Lazarus’s poem so familiar to many.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to
Breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
After the tours we went to Union Square and had lunch at the Heartland Brew Pub. This day was the first really hot day so we went to the hotel to cool down (and rest) before we returned to Eataly for dinner. After dinner we hung out at Madison Square Park and as dusk approached we saw hundreds of fireflies make their appearance. It was a delightful ending to a nice day.
Friday July 8, 2011
Friday was our last full day and we made the most of it. We signed up for a bike tour of Central Park. We not only got in a good bike ride but we got a cultural and historical lesson from our guide. There have been over 350 movies filmed in Central Park. At one point where we stopped near the Dakota Hotel our guide looked up and said hello to someone who pleasantly said hello back. It was Yoko Ono going for a walk with a companion.
Upon completion of our tour we asked our guide for a recommendation for a place to eat lunch. He first asked if we felt adventurous and then on to tell us about a Dominican Restaurant called Papasitos. We walked there as instructed and I ordered the Mofongo as instructed. Mofongo is a dish made from plantains and garlic and herbs all mashed together. It was very tasty. After lunch we split up again and I went exploring on my own. I guess there was more shopping to be done. I went back to the NY Public Library. I then gave myself a tour of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. I went by Rockefeller Center and then headed back to the hotel. That night we went to Lincoln Center to see a great play called War Horse.
All good things must come to an end and so it was with our New York trip. Saturday was departure day. That did not keep us from going to the Breslin Hotel for a brunch. I had the baked eggs with spiced tomatoes and chorizo while Diane opted for the ricotta pancakes with macerated strawberries and candied almonds. After a last walk around the neighborhood, we bid adieu to New York City and headed for the airport. In the famous words of the Governator, “I’ll be back”.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Where's Sam?

On Saturday, we awoke to a beautiful morning. It was crisp and clear. A perfect day for a hike, Diane and I decided. When Sam got up we invited him along and shortly after that we were heading up Big Cottonwood Canyon to the Butler Fork Trailhead. It had been a huge snow year this winter but now, the last week of June, the hiking season was beginning. We started up the trail and soon got to a bridge that had a sign saying, "Danger, Do Not Use Bridge". It looked like it might crash into the stream at any moment but we went across anyway. The next section of the hike was a steep uphill climb. Following that the scenery just got prettier. We walked along a cascading stream that was running much higher than I remember. At one point where we had to cross the stream on wet tree trunk we had to decide to cross there or look elsewhere. Diane found a spot to jump across that only got all of us a little wet. As we went up the stream was overflowing its banks and drenching the trail. We trounced through mud and water getting our feet soaked. After crossing a meadow we came upon a wooded area that was holding a lot of snow. We had to cross several slippery snowbanks. The higher we got the more snow we encountered. This slowed us down considerably. Well, let's say it slowed Diane and me. Sam was off. Soon, he was out of sight. Diane and I trudged on, slipping and sliding and post holing. After a while of this. Diane decided to stop for a rest and I took off my pack and set out after Sam. After about 20 minutes I decided that I would turn around and go back and look for Diane. I figured Sam we get to the lake and turn around and come back. I got back to Diane and we waited about 20 minutes before we decided to head back down. We were pretty sure that Sam we catch up to us before we made it back to the car. We enjoyed that hike down; taking in the beautiful scenery. We got to the car and I checked my cell phone. Sam had left a voicemail saying he had overshot the lake and was up above it on a ridge. He said he was heading back down. All the way down Diane kept asking me if I thought Sam was all right. I reassured her each time. Now having heard the voice mail, we were relieved that we had heard from him. We waited, we waited; still no Sam. I checked the time stamp on the voicemail. It had been sent at 12:20 PM. It was now 2PM. Reluctantly, I now told Diane that I was worried. We had come down in about 40 minutes and Sam had headed down at 12:20, which was an hour and 40 minutes. The thought entered my mind that he might have gone down a different canyon, either a couple miles up the road at Mill D Trailhead or even possibly into the neighboring canyon, Millcreek Canyon. My phone pinged. A text said, "Pick me up at Wasatch and 3800 South". Somehow he had managed to end up in Millcreek Canyon. We got in the car and headed down and around to where he was. As I suspected, he had hitch hiked out of Millcreek Canyon. What I did not know was that he came down the mountain 4 miles above the winter gate and he had to run 4 miles to get to the road where he could catch a ride. By the time we saw him he was one tired and hungry kid. Well, we were all tired and hungry so we had burrito bowels at the Mexican Joint near there. A nice hike and another, "All's well that end's well"