Monday, June 15, 2009


Diane and I decided to take the dogs for a walk this afternoon. We were doing the Sunrise Point trail that Mary and I did when she was down here. We got to the point and started back. She had Cub on leash and I had Chloe. All of a sudden Chloe jerked away and went after something just off the trail. When I looked up she had gone after a rattlesnake. She was all over it and I jerked her leash as hard as I could to pull her off and away from the reptile. I thought the snake would just slither away but it stayed there guarding the trail. We went around and when we got to the entrance to the park Chloe's legs starting giving out and she could not walk. I was worried that she had been bitten and was suffering from neurotoxic effects. I left Diane with Chloe and Cub and I started running back to the house to get the car. About half way there, Diane came by having flagged down a guy who drove us back to the house. When we got home Chloe seemed to be normal. We called the vet and she had us look for signs of swelling in the face and legs. There were none. We continued to watch her and she still seemed normal. She is a lucky girl. I usually have the dogs off leash in this area but boy am I glad I had her leash on so I could pull her off the snake. It could have very well been a different outcome. Have I told you, I don't like snakes.


  1. We are fortunate not to have any poisonous snakes on this side of the Cascades.

    I had my share of rattlers and moccasins back where I used to live in east Texas.

    At least you could get the occasional warning from a rattler, but those no good swimming moccasins clustered in swarms on the Neches River were deadly.

    When we go camping on the east side of the Cascades, we remember to be vigilant.


  2. I'm glad Chloe is okay. I have to watch for rattlers here on the trail that I go on regularly. It took me a long time to get use to the occasional garter snake Gavin would catch and bring home. I think to Texans ALL snakes are deadly!

  3. I hate snakes too. Especially those water moccasins in the rivers down here. Glad everything turned out okay.
