Thursday, December 20, 2012

Glad That's Out

Well, it has been said before that I have a screw loose. It turns out that I had more than one screw loose and a broken plate and broken screw in my neck. I got them all removed last Friday by my friend Bob Hood. He had to leave the tip of one broken screw in because it was embedded in the bone. I stayed overnight in the hospital and came home on Saturday. I had a couple of unpleasant days but have done real well since then. It has been a real pain in the neck(ha).

1 comment:

  1. Not a pretty sight. Hope by now you are on a full rebound and back in the ring, or at least on the bocce court! But no full body contact bocce. I myself have left the bocce court for the gentleman’s game of lawn bowling. Those women bowlers are treacherous!
