Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Side of Ribs

The part I left out about my hike down to Zion last week involved a slip and fall onto a rock(or rocks). I landed on my right flank and immediately realized that it may have been a mistake to go on a backpacking trip alone. I had stashed my backpack at my campsite and started on the hike to Kolob Arch. When I got to the end of the trail I found out that I could not get a very good view of the arch from where I was. Ignoring the "Travel beyond this point not recommended" sign, I went further, scrambling up and down over very rocky and steep terrain. The next thing I know, I am on my back. I get up and assess the damage and realize that I am going to have to get myself out of there. The shortcut I choose took me in a circle. I managed to get back to my campsite where hordes of black, biting flies descended upon me. My insect repellent was more like an attractant. I decided to keep walking while I could and headed in the direction of the trailhead, 6 miles away. Every time I would stop and thinking about staying for the night my ribs started hurting more so I just kept going. I got back to the trailhead after dark, about 9:30 and into a motel about 10:30. Ice packs became my friend for the next few days. Last week at work was pretty tough but I made it through. It only hurt when I moved or breathed so I tried to minimize that!  I have a trip back to Zion in two weeks and I am trying to decided if I should go or cancel. I am not going alone! I will take a couple of days to see how my healing goes. Another life lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Jimbo, an older guy like yourself shouldn’t go alone on these adventures.

    But then again, why ruin it with taking a chatty companion?

    What you need bro, is Spot!

    It works where cell phones don’t. It is used all over the northwest by hikers, mountain climbers, snowmobilers, back country skiers and mushers, sailors and such.

    My daughter and her husband use a Spot in their adventures to the outback in Australia.

    Here is a link for you to visit:

    When Elaine and Jean-Marie (daughter and husband) are in the outback, at the end of the day, they use Spot to send a message to friends and family that they are all right. It also gives the coordinates of where they are so that I can zero in on their location on Google maps and Google Earth. What fun.

    But if they get into trouble, the can call for emergency help at any time. It works where cell phones don’t.

    Decide for yourself whether this would suit your perclivity in the matter.

