Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pilot Butte

There is a formation is Southwestern Wyoming called Pilot Butte. I have asked around to try and find out how it got its name. Most of the answers are that it led the early pioneers on their westward journey. Like a pilot leading someone somewhere. I think it is more reasonable to say that it looks like the pilot house of a a ship. See what you think. Take me to the pilot!


  1. As long as you can see the Butte, and watch the sun appear to travel across the sky, guess you're not lost?

    But you may be bewildered?

  2. I don't think the Butte helped during a snowstorm which many of the early pioneers encountered. I am sure they must have been bewildered. I spotted it tonight driving into my place in Green River. It was a comfort; a beacon, welcoming me home.

  3. I’m sure you are right about that snowstorm. I get bewildered myself in them, whether I am driving on a roadway or on cross country skis.

    Fortunately, we never encountered a snowstorm while sailing, but we have been blinded by fog. Thank goodness for GPS, even the old fashioned kind at the time.

    These days, we carry a Spot with us. If we get into trouble, we can call for emergency help via satellite. We haven’t had to use it yet, as we have been able to avoid emergencies.

    It is nice to know you have a backup. Hikers, skiers, snowmobilers and sailors rely on this backup here in the wildscapes of the Pacific Northwest.

    Sucks; I carry it in the lowlands of southern California and Arizona during winter months.

