Sunday, March 8, 2009

I don't like the daylight saving time. The days are naturally longer in the summer. We don't need to be fooling around with Mother Nature. It has been shown that the reasons for starting are invalid. Studies show that it does not save energy! Now the school kids have to go to school in the dark. Who wants that? 

This is the time of year when we get a teaser of spring and then--Bam, we get a snowstorm. Soon we will be on the shoulder season when you can play golf(I don't), ski, hike, or fish. Decisions, decisions. Or one could work. It seems I have encountered an epidemic of wellness lately. Work has been slow but my skis have been busy.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Jim. If anything, it causes MORE energy use (down here, for sure) - many more AC's cranking harder for longer, hotter stretches of daylight time. I hate waking up in the dark too - plus I'm getting to the age where 10pm is bedtime - and that's only 1 little hour after the sun goes down. It just doesn't seem right and makes me feel even older than I already am.

    Glad to hear about that epidemic of wellness - get some fun time in. Loved that picture of you skiing, by the way.
